
If you’ve read anything about me for the last thirty years, or heard me speak, you’ll know that my passion is encouraging parents to read aloud to their children. I’d be sad if anyone missed out on the delight of it.

Before you read on, you might like to glance at this blog from a parent in the USA :

This is the best book I have ever written


Who says babies don’t love books? What focus! What happiness! What learning!

This section has many parts:

  1. my ten read aloud commandments
  2. a list of must-have classics for young children
  3. a list of perfect books for babies under one year old
  4. a speech I gave once about the war between books and television
  5. a rant about phonics and reading, because I know how much grief and anxiety it causes parents
  6. an article I wrote for a newspaper about childcare for the very young
  7. an email from a concerned parent about child care issues