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In the teaching olympics, who wins gold?

Fox and Wilkinson ‘94 Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when it was announced that Sydney would host the year […]

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Politics, literature and green shoes

Current Realities In Whole Language This article was first presented as a keynote speech at the August, 1992 Whole Language Umbrella Conference. Because of the […]

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If I were queen of the world

A Talk For Parents On Teaching Children How To Read Before School If I were the queen of the world, teachers wouldn’t have to teach […]

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The Magic Hat

I never accept other people’s suggestions or ideas for a particular book, even though people often say to me: ‘You could write a book about […]

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Wombat Divine

“Wombat loved Christmas. He loved the carols and the candles, the presents and the pudding, but most of all he loved the bush Nativity play. […]

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Shoes From Grandpa

“One summer, Jessie’s father invited all the family over for a barbecue. When Grandpa saw Jessie he said, ‘My, how you’ve grown! You’ll need a […]

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20 dos and 20 don’ts

Here are twenty DOs and twenty DON’Ts for writers of picture books, to make sure nothing vitally important has been left out from the previous […]

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Quick and snappy

Okay: so you’ve already written a picture book without reading the pages and pages of advice on my website. Tut, tut! I made many bungles […]

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